The foolish truth about women in marriage who cannot realize that they are the cause of the problem.

It has been a long time since we were told that the number of herbivorous men has increased, but has the trend in marriage and love changed for the better? Unfortunately, instead of a turnaround, the situation has only worsened, with later marriages and a declining birthrate. It is almost like a “silent terrorism” that is functioning as a revenge against the society that has abandoned single men and placed self-responsibility on them.
Too many women who are active in marriage have the crazy idea that they are either domestic help, unemployed, low-income, and unwilling to continue working, and yet they want to be a full-time housewife. It is not an exaggeration to say that none of these women are working as a housewife. There are many who often speak loudly about the salary of housewifery, but I would like them to say that after they have perfectly completed their professional work as a housekeeper within a limited time frame.
After all, they just want to make it easy on themselves by taking advantage of men’s money. In other words, they are looking for a marriage with the full intention of becoming a “pimp woman”. Of course, they can’t say what they really want, so they act like a “full-time housewife,” but men are not so stupid that they can’t see a woman’s footsteps in marriage activity. They can see right through them and easily cut them off.
In terms of the percentage of married women by age group, the largest volume is in their 40s, which accounts for about 2/3 of the total. This is followed by women in their 30s, who account for approximately 20% of the total. The number of men in their 20s, who are coveted by marriage-active men, is only about 10%, which is a good level. It is only natural that more and more men choose to remain single because their marriage partners are too old and leave the dating scene unwillingly. As a result, more and more marriage activity parties are having to be canceled because they cannot attract men and cannot be held.
Another reason for the increase in the number of men who do not get married, let alone fall in love, is that there are few advantages to marriage for men nowadays. This is true, of course, because men are forced to take on responsibility, be squeezed for money, and be forced to take care of the household.
As a result, young Japanese men these days find romance bothersome and are not even interested in it. This is a natural consequence. This is not only true in Japan, but also among foreigners who point out the abnormal dependence of Japanese women on others. It is only natural that when the Japanese view of marriage is expressed to foreigners, they accuse the women of trying to make things easy while placing the burden on the men. Foreign women take it for granted that they have to earn their own money, and it is a fair view. Needless to say, unless we understand this and act accordingly, the problem will not be solved.

This is not a matter of “thinking” or “feeling” in a naïve and naïve way. It is not too much to assert, but rather too little to say. This is “the fact”, “the reality” and “the truth”. It’s not a matter of good or bad, it’s nothing more than a golden rule that can’t be described in any other way and has absolutely no room for doubt.