The truth about the polarization of women in Japanese society.

It is a common sense that once you become an adult, you earn your own money and property, no matter where you are in the world. In the world, it is a prerequisite for independent adults to earn their own money, and there is no difference between men and women in this regard.
In Japan, the Equal Employment Opportunity Law has been enforced and labor opportunities have become equal. However, it is undeniable that the reality is that the polarization of women has been growing year by year. It is said that they can be divided into the following two categories.

  1. Work willingly and be evaluated socially by becoming independent, earning your own money, acquiring various licenses and certifications, and accumulating achievements in career advancement.
  2. They live at home and work lightly with the assumption that they will either not work or quit, and once married, they depend on the other man’s financial strength and do nothing, not getting any kind of license or certification, and having no housework skills at all.

In the mid-20th century, Japan was in a period of rapid economic growth, when men were paid higher salaries and the burden of various taxes was smaller, so men could support their families on their own salaries, and women could live without any problems as full-time housewives. In the 1990s, however, women’s opportunities for employment increased, and now that the employment gap between men and women has narrowed or disappeared, the desire to become a housewife is nothing more than a declaration of laziness.
Even under these circumstances, it is not surprising that many foreigners still feel uncomfortable with the large number of Japanese women who wish to become full-time housewives, and it is also understandable that there are no end of foreign men who regret marrying Japanese women.
In fact, being a stay-at-home housewife was a good thing until the 1980s. If we are talking about gender equality, it is only logical that women should work as much as men. In the past, being a housewife was not as convenient as it is today, and it was a labor-intensive job. Today, the burden of housework has been greatly reduced and is not so labor-intensive.
In other words, while saying she wants to be a full-time housewife, how well is she able to do the essential work of a housewife? In the end, she just wants the man to earn money for her so that she can spend her time freely and without work, and she cannot cook, clean, or do laundry. If you are skeptical, you can tell by looking at what kind of man a woman in search of marriage is looking for. On the other hand, men have no choice but to look at the women who are becoming more and more miserable in their old age by relying on other people’s wealth, while the women who are independent are improving themselves. It is, indeed, a matter of self-inflicted and retributive retribution.

This is not a matter of “thinking” or “feeling” in a naïve and naïve way. It is not too much to assert, but rather too little to say. This is “the fact”, “the reality” and “the truth”. It’s not a matter of good or bad, it’s nothing more than a golden rule that can’t be described in any other way and has absolutely no room for doubt