What are the environments and elements that can certainly corrupt women?

Today, women are making remarkable inroads into society, and their status has been improved through preferential policies. At the same time, however, it is a sad fact that more and more women are becoming parasites on men’s wealth.
In that context, the things that corrupt a woman’s life include the following.

  • Sugar dating
  • Minato girl (young woman who likes spending time in fancy neighbourhoods)
  • Night entertainment business (cabaret clubs, sex stores, girls bars, happening bars, etc.)
  • Aiseki izakaya

Since these women receive money, property, etc. from men without having to do anything themselves, they “get everything without having to work,” and since they get so much money at once, their sense of money collapses and their standard of living explodes.
As a result, they begin to overestimate themselves to an extreme degree, and because they take this for granted, they lose their sense of gratitude. In addition, they focus on improving their appearance by increasing their desires, neglecting to improve their substance.
There is not a shred of love in such women and we use a man’s status and money as factors for dating. Thus, they become unable to face reality and rely on marriage instead of independence.
Of course, a man’s position and money are not inexhaustible. Nor are a woman’s youth and beauty eternal. It would be nice if they could understand this early on and lead independent social lives. However, the fact that there are so many foolish women who take this for granted and think only of taking it easy, such as wanting money or not wanting to work, and who grow old needlessly, makes me feel as if this were a comedy. No, perhaps it would be more correct to call it a tragedy.
I am sure that I will find myself an old woman with a low income who cannot get married and who will reach old age with nothing to show for it. I am sorry, but I can only say that I deserved it and that it is karmic retribution.

This is not a matter of “thinking” or “feeling” in a naïve and naïve way. It is not too much to assert, but rather too little to say. This is “the fact”, “the reality” and “the truth”. It’s not a matter of good or bad, it’s nothing more than a golden rule that can’t be described in any other way and has absolutely no room for doubt.