What do women around the world think of Japanese men?

Some men may think that if they are not popular at all in Japan, they should look to the world. So, what do women around the world think of Japanese men?
This is just one example, but it’s a must-read article if you’re dealing with foreign women.

“Can a Filipino Wife Make an Unmarriageable Middle-Aged Japanese Man Happy? Miracle of Marriage, End of a Dream.” (Japanese)

“Fake marriages are on the rise. The Horror and Innocent Tricks of Chinese Women the Japanese Don’t Know About.” (Japanese)

It can be seen from the above that the women of the world who approach Japanese men, with whom they cannot even have a relationship, do not have the slightest hint of love. There is only one goal: money and possessions. The proof of this is the brutal and ruthless way in which they kill the men who approach them even after taking everything away from them, or use them as pawns for other countries, and the foreign women squeeze out without any hardship, while the Japanese men are left to die a dog’s death.
It is only in Japan that the “good nature” theory prevails and people can be good-natured. If you leave Japan, you will be subjected to deprivation and robbery as a matter of course. Even on the Internet, there are romance scams where people try to cheat the opposite sex out of money and goods. Well, “romance scams” are also perpetrated against women, so be careful, ladies.
Anyway, it’s ridiculous and no one will pity you if you take the trouble to enter the world and die a dog’s death with everything taken from you. You need to be well aware of the realities of the world so that your life does not end up dying in vain for trivial reasons.

This is not a matter of “thinking” or “feeling” in a naïve and naïve way. It is not too much to assert, but rather too little to say. This is “the fact”, “the reality” and “the truth”. It’s not a matter of good or bad, it’s nothing more than a golden rule that can’t be described in any other way and has absolutely no room for doubt.